
 We are currently seeking volunteers to work with our Hospitality Ministry.  Ministry members assist with luncheons held in the Church hall after funerals and other parish receptions.  More info to come in the next couple of weeks....

Prayer For the Gift of Hospitality

Open me, Lord
Pry loose the linch-pins from the rusted doors
Of my time-welded apathies of prejudice and fear.
Favor me with your ancient gift:
Abraham's spreading tent,
Job's open door,
Bethlehem's pregnant, waiting stable,
The merciful Father's outstretched arms,
The festive calf fatted for the feast.
Fill me with your hospitality, Lord.
Bless me
With insight into hearts hungry for welcome,
With graciousness to accept the treasures they bear,
with courage to share the gifts that are mine.
Grant, O Lord
That there never again be strangers, only guests - sisters and brothers -
a hosting people reveling in your welcome, lost in your embrace
Until we share eternal hospitality with you and the angels forever.
by James Bitney